One Spirit

   Integrative Medicine   


               Alberta, Canada

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Transpersonal Hypnotherapy

Transpersonal hypnotherapy incorporates the body, the mind and spirit within the healing journey. The transpersonal approach to hypnotherapy does not require the client to have a belief in a religion, or in the existence of an immortal soul; however, it does require a willingness to explore the possibility that within each of us there is an inner wisdom and intuition that can heal and guide us through our life experiences. Transpersonal hypnotherapy adds the client’s higher dimensional realities to therapeutic interventions, whereas traditional hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, and counselling focus mainly on the wellbeing of the mind and its perceptions. Transpersonal hypnotherapy respects the health and well-being of the wholeness of spirit, soul/psyche, mind, cognition, emotions, body, and consciousness. There is a creative living energy that permeates all of life...this creative living energy also lives within us and around us. Through transpersonal hypnotherapy, we respond to symptoms in a way that restores the body's ability to heal itself. We change the physical condition by changing the energy field. 

Myriad advances in quantum physics have triggered a large body of scientific evidence proving that thoughts, emotions, feelings and beliefs have a direct, measurable effect on physical matter and, ultimately, on our bodies and our health. This is simple to understand when one considers that all matter is energy vibrating at different frequencies and that thought is the projection of energy. The spoken words, "I love you" and "I hate you" are the physical projects of thought energy. Just think about the profound effect phrases such as these two can have on the physical bodies to which they are directed. See this video ( ) on the beautiful interplay of body, mind and Spirit for a woman with bladder cancer.

The analytical conscious mind comprises about ten percent of our mind. The other ninety percent functions like a computer hard drive, is not limited by time, space or logic. It contains great wisdom, has the ability to identify any problem it detects within the body and explains its causes. Very often, simply understanding why a disease is present or why a particular emotion is being experienced is sufficient for it to be relieved. We are infinite souls who have incarnated on Earth for our own individual experiences. Sometimes these experiences must be played out in order for life's lessons to be learned. In that light, it must be stated that healing can only occur if an individual wants to be healed and it must not interfere with the spiritual goals of the individual's current lifetime through the soul's journey, life purpose or life goal.

As we move through this time of great transition, many of us are stretching our belief systems to incorporate new concepts by seeking out alternative information that mainstream science has dispelled or ignored. Many long-held paradigms of accepted thought are beginning to crumble and are being replaced by concepts and ideas that can no longer be suppressed. The truth about who we are, why we are here, and why we tend to struggle is coming forward... 

At One Spirit Integrative Medicine in Fort Macleod, Alberta, we engage hypnotherapy through transpersonal hypnotherapy techniques such as Dolores Cannon's Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). Both techniques involve inducing the individual to a deep, relaxing level of consciousness through visualization, a state you naturally experience twice daily - the moment just before you become consciously awake and the moment just before you drift off to sleep. You also experience this state when you're engrossed in reading a book or watching a movie or daydreaming, when your attention is so focused that you "tune out" everything else. Imagine that - you experience hypnosis every day!

Learn more by visiting my youtube video at

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)

Working with clients specifically in this state of hypnosis led Dolores Cannon to discover that any individual can gain access to the past in order for healing to occur. She discovered a powerful aspect of each individual with which the individual can communicate. Dolores learned that this part of us exists just below the surface of our conscious mind. Over a very successful 45-year career, her hypnosis technique proved to be effective for thousands of people the world over, regardless of their age, gender, personality, physical symptoms, religious beliefs or cultural background.  I highly encourage you to take a few minutes to browse  This website offers unlimited information on the many fascinating aspects of Dolores' outstanding career.  You may also learn about this fascinating technique directly from Dolores, herself at

Transpersonal regression hypnosis involves hypnotic regression and guidance through your past. The subconscious selects an appropriate past to show the individual—one that is always relevant to the individual's current life. It is not uncommon for the individual to be shown pertinent portions of the past in the current life as it is considered to be the most important lifetime. During the process, a series of fascinating changes occur in the hypnotized client as well as the surrounding environment. The first observable change is a dramatic rise in the level of energy in the room, with those present often describing feelings of euphoria or intense excitement. Please see this video for more detailed information about how the QHHT session unfolds.  This video, courtesy of QHHT practitioner Suzanne Spooner, provides a lovely description of the QHHT process: .  I also invite you to read an article I wrote for Lethbridge's Quirk magazine in the September/October, 2014 issue, page 18-19 ( ).                                                        


                                                                            Heather and Dolores ... July, 2014 

During her early years as a hypnotherapist, Dolores became aware that, through her unique technique, she was communicating with a portion of an individual's consciousness that was indeed a part of them yet lay far beyond the level of their conscious mind. Religious and spiritual teachers have attempted to identify and label this larger part of ourselves throughout history using a variety of different labels: God, the Higher Self, the Oversoul, Christ Consciousness, Higher Consciousness, Universal Mind, Oneness, Spirit, Light, Source, the I Am, All That Is,  and so on. Dolores' main objective in using her hypnosis technique was always to help improve the lives of her clients. The explanation the subconscious gives for why we experience disease will most certainly challenge the belief systems of many people within their current medical and scientific paradigms. Over the course of her career, Dolores conducted hypnosis sessions with clients where the healing that occurred was, indeed, quite challenging to comprehend - from depression and anxiety to cancer. She taught her technique to students the world over for a decade and many of her hypnosis students have reported similar miraculous accounts of healing that defy what our human brains are capable of comprehending.

To book a transpersonal session, see the Contact page. For upcoming sessions across Canada, please see the Menu page: Sessions in Canada.


Medical disclaimer: The contents and information displayed on this website are for informational use only, and is not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Heather Gunn will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising from the application of information on this website or through transpersonal hypnotherapy, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), Introspective Hypnosis, Reiki session, Reiki education or Unity Field Healing (UFH).
